Burmese Holidays

Burmese Holidays

Various public & national holidays observed in Myanmar

sitesworld.comDate ()English nameRemarks
4 January Independence Day Marks independence from British Empire in 1948.
12 February Union Day Anniversary of the Panglong Agreement in 1947.
26 Marchᾠ Full Moon of Tabaung Tabaung Pwè Pagoda Festivals .
2 March Peasants Day Anniversary of Ne Win's coup.
27 March Armed Forces Day Formerly Resistance Day (against the Japanese occupation in 1945).
13–16 April Thingyan Festival Celebrates and brings in the Burmese New Year .
17 April Burmese New Year Marks the New Year of the Burmese calendar
1 May Labour Day Worker's Day .
24 Mayᾠ Full Moon of Kason Anniversary of the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha celebrated by watering the Bodhi tree.
19 July Martyrs' Day Commemorates the assassination of Aung San and several other cabinet members in 1947.
22 Julyᾠ Start of Buddhist Lent Festival of Lights .
19 Octoberᾠ End of Buddhist Lent Festival of Lights .
Ramadhan Start of Ramadhan (30 Days)Date varies according to the Islamic calendar. Celebrates the start of the fasting month of Ramadhan.
17 Novemberᾠ Full Moon of Tazaungmon Tazaungdaing festival
27 November National Day Anniversary of the first university students strike in 1920.
25 December Christmas Day This Christian holiday celebrates the birth of Jesus